A Very “Tangled” Rapunzel Birthday
27 Friday Jun 2014
Written by Maeghan in Appetizers, Cakes, Desserts, Gatherings, Uncategorized
My sweet daughter, Caroline, turned 4 on April 4th and she wanted a princess party. We narrowed it down a bit and focused on Rapunzel. Her birthday celebration usually spans a couple of days because we do a small family dinner out and we come home for cake on her actual birthday. Then, we have her party. This year was different since she is in school and she wanted to celebrate there too. So, I was quite busy preparing goodies for three days of celebrations! With the help of my husband we managed to get it all done and give her a birthday she wont forget!
I am usually a “do it all myself” kind of person and love to get creative when hosting parties but this year I wanted to turn it down a notch since George was only 4 months old. Caroline has inherited my gusto for party planning and wanted to do lots of crafts. My husband, surprisingly, still wanted to tackle a fun party cake for her as well. So, we compromised and I’m really happy with the results. I bought more than I typically do from the party store, but we also did some fun homemade items. The birthday girl wore a Rapunzel shirt that was homemade. I assembled the castle flags with some felt, paint, and yarn. The Flynn Rider signs were printed and posted throughout the house and Rapunzel’s hair, made out of yellow plastic tablecloths, were draped outside and throughout the house! I also taped a very large drawing surface on the wall for the kids to color. Rapunzel paints in the movie, but I wasn’t letting four-year-olds loose with paints! The kids really loved this and it was great for the few down times of the party. The kids also played “Pin the Pascal on Rapunzel,” “Tangled” where they were given crepe paper and told to wrap their partner up in it and whomever used all of their up and tangled their partner first, won.
My husband and I have teamed up to make Caroline’s cakes since her Puppy Cake from her second birthday. We do it in stages to make life a little easier. Soon, I’ll create a post showing how I made the Rapunzel Tower Cake and give you an idea how we go about the process.
The Menu
Apples for Maximus
Pascal’s Colorful Veggies with Ranch Dressing
Flynn Rider’s Fruits
Chips, Braided Pretzels, and Goldfish
Mother Gothel’s Onion Dip
Tortilla Chips and Queso
Rapunzel’s Braided Pizzas ~ Pepperoni, Cheese & Sauce, and plain Cheese
Apple Jalapeno Meatballs
The Snuggly Ducklings Fruit Punch
Rapunzel Tower Cake ~ Chocolate Cake, Yellow Cake, Buttercream, Marshmallow Fondant
Easy Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Food Tag Images by Krown Kreations
Rapunzel Cupcake Inspiration – Delicious Meliscious
Tower Cake Inspiration – “words, pictures & cake…”
Rapunzel T-shirt inspired by “Made by me, Shared with You”
and many ideas and inspirations from Pinterest
June 27, 2014 at 6:16 pm
Adorable! Happy (belated) Birthday Caroline! Is it crazy that my daughter is 2 months old and I’m already brainstorming her 1st birthday party?
June 27, 2014 at 10:36 pm
Umm, nope?
Caroline already had her theme for her 5th picked out before she turned 4. We love a good party here!