2014-01-25 14.26.31

With a newborn in the house I am constantly looking for quick sources of nutrition. Throw in a pre-schooler that is bringing home germs and I’m looking for something that can also do double duty and keep us healthy! I was asked to do a review of Mohawk Valley Trading Co.’s Raw Honey and had the products on hand when my daughter became sick this weekend. After doing some research on the health benefits of raw honey, I knew that this shake would be the perfect thing to help my daughter rid this nasty cold and would also pacify her sweet tooth toΒ  make sure she actually finished it all!

Honey has been used by humans since ancient times for its health benefits and a study published by the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, researchers found that buckwheat honey (actually any raw honey) works far better than dextromethorphan (the active ingredient in store-bought cough syrup) at reducing the frequency and severity of coughing episodes for children.Β  Remember, never give honey to a child under the age of one! Dr. Tasneem Bhatia from the Atlanta Center for Holistic and Integrative Medicine. One of the natural remedy solutions she recommended is taking 1 to 2 teaspoons of buckwheat honey every day.

While I love to cook with honey and do so often, remember, if you are planning to use honey for its health-benefits, it must be raw honey. Heating honey (pasteurization) destroys all of the pollen, enzymes, propolis, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and aromatics.

We have really enjoyed using raw honey and learning about and trying the different flavors. We love honey in this household, but were novices and used store-bought, pasteurized honey. Never again! Mohawk Valley Trading Co.’s Buckwheat Honey has a nice, strong flavor that I am now using with all of my marinades. I enjoy using the sweet Summer Wildflower Honey on toast, while my daughter and husband eat the Tulip Poplar-Black Locust Honey on a spoon!Β Mohawk Valley Trading Co. is offering these three varieties of honey to one lucky reader!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Mohawk Valley Trading Co.Β  provided me with their raw honey to sample and are sponsoring this giveaway, but as always the opinions expressed here are soley my own. This giveaway is for residents of the contingent United States and will end on Janruary 31th, 12:00 am EST.

Banana & Raw Honey Shake


  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tsp wheat germ
  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla

Blend all of the ingredients until smooth.

Source: The Way to His Heart