My daughter’s transition to purees is so fun for me. I finally get to “cook” for her! I am also finally going to put some miles on my food processor. Making baby food is really so simple and it honestly doesn’t take that much time. There are so many short cuts etc. nowadays it’s a cinch. I’ve decided that, even though the food she’ll be eating in the beginning require no recipe, I am going to blog about each puree/meal I make her to show just how simple it really is. It’s also easy on the wallet. This fine looking butternut squash was purchased for $1.46 and made 26 ounces of puree!

Butternut Squash Puree

1 Butternut Squash

Slice the squsah in half and remove all of the pulp and seeds. Place squash “meat” side down on a cookie sheet. Roast in a 400 degree oven for 40 minutes. The squash will become soft, the skin will peel and where you removed the pulp will blister and turn a bit brown. Remove from oven and let cool off.
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Scoop out the pulp and place into a food processor (or food mill, blender etc. ). I tried peeling the skin off but that is tedious, just take a spoon and scoop it out 🙂 Pulse in the food processor until you reach a smooth consistancy. You can thin the mixture down with water, formula or breastmilk. Remember, Stage one purees for babies should be very smooth and thin so that they don’t reject it.

Spoon into ice cubes trays and cover with plastic wrap. Once frozen you can remove them from the ice trays and put them into a freezer storage bag.

Note: Some ice trays vary but most will fit an ounce. I’ve recently purchased silicone ice trays to make removing easier and they also have a lid. These make smaller cubes so 2 cubes actually make a 1 ounce serving.