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At the end of June we celebrated my son George’s baptism with a few close friends and family. I had been looking forward to this day for a long time. The church that my husband and I were married in, and Caroline was also baptized in, is a summer chapel so we have to wait until it opens in June. It’s a bit of a homecoming when it is opened and the Reverend arrives from Texas. He retires at the end of this season and I was looking forward to introducing him to our “little” big guy.

Since I wanted to really enjoy this day and celebrate our family and George I kept the food and decor to a minimum. I wanted things that were easy to prepare and could be prepared in advance. I also wanted items that were easy to set up and that everyone would enjoy. With two kids, I’m learning all about keeping things simpler!


For the menu, I opted for items that I knew people loved and I set everything up buffet style so people could help themselves. Leaving myself able to socialize. For the cake, I chose to adapt our favorite Lemon Raspberry Layer Cake and turn it into a Lemon Blueberry Cake. {I’ll be making it again soon and will post the recipe. It was well received!) Just like with Caroline, George had his first taste of frosting on his baptism day. He didn’t seem too interested, but I have a feeling that will change come birthday time!

For the decor, I headed out to the garden and picked some peonies and hydrangea. I tied in those colors with the table cloth and overlay. Sometimes the best things comes together with what you have on hand already!

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Coldcut platter with meats and cheeses with accompanying condiments and breads

Cowboy Caviar

Bruschetta & Classic Tomato Topping

Crudites with Ranch Dressing

Chips with Onion Dip

Lemon Blueberry Layer Cake with Buttercream Frosting