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This post is brought to you by Silk. Take the Tastemaker Challenge on facebook.com/silkUS.
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You’ve all heard me go on about my picky eating family for some time now. I have gained some traction and typically I can make at least two out of three of us happy at the dinner table now. When the good folks of Silk Soy Milk contacted me and sent me some coupons to try out their new flavors I was both excited and a little hesitant. Would this go over well with my family? Could we implement another healthy choice into our daily diet? So, I caved a bit and went for their chocolate milk first! Call me weak, but I had to gain some ground before I went into for the white stuff!
Everyone was around the refrigerator when I pulled out the Silk container. I poured a glass for my daughter first and gave my husband the eye. You know, the “you had better not say anything that will sway her opinion or you are done” look 🙂 She gulped it down and when I asked her how she liked it she said it was “De-licious!” We were told it tasted like a chocolate sundae.  Next up was my husband. He poured a glass and drank it and said it was good. I gave him a look. Was it really good or just tolerable? He has a tendency of doing that and then if I buy something again he will ask why I did. Umm, because I thought you liked it? He said he really liked it and saw no reason why not to try the regular Vanilla Silk Soy Milk. These are big words coming from him, trust me. Next, scaredy cat Meg went in for the taste test. For some reason, me in my “I love to try new things” glory, was afraid to try this. For years I’ve known people who drink Silk Soy Milk and love it. I scuffed at them and said, “No Thank You!” There in my kitchen I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. With my daughter looking on, I had to put the big girl pants on and give it a try. It was good. Dare I say even better than regular chocolate milk? For a lack of a better word, it was silky. It had a rich chocolate taste and was rich and satisfying.
Alright, so time to bring out the Vanilla Silk Soy Milk. We were all prepared now. Soy Milk isn’t a bad thing. We can get used to this. Sure! Again, it was really delicious. A nice change of pace from the standard and an enjoyable drink. I honestly can’t wait to try some of their other flavors, like the Iced Latte. Yum!
Right now, Silk Soy Milk is hosting a Tastemaker Challenge. Go to their Facebook page, print out a coupon, and give it a try. Go ahead, try it, you’ll like it! Then, go back to Silk Soy Milk’s Facebook page and have fun describing their new flavors. I know you guys can be more creative then me! If you are then you could be chosen for an upcoming video. If you become wildly famous because of this, remember who sent you okay? 🙂
I’m not that creative with words, but I did want to share with you some great things that I do love about Silk Soy Milk, besides the wonderful taste. These are the things that are important to me as the one in my household who makes purchases based on healthy choices. Silk Soy Milk is free of dairy, lactose, gluten, casein, egg, and MSG! It has 50% more calcium then dairy milk and is 100% cholesterol free. Which, ya know as we get older things like calcium and cholesterol are pretty important. There are no additives like food colorings or flavorings and they are committed to using non-GMO products. These alone would make me purchase Silk Soy Milk, but I think the happy faces who loved the taste are what seals the deal. Now, off to try that new Iced Latte!

While I was compensated by Silk Soy Milk, as always the opinions expressed here are solely mine.