Pumpkin Seeds

Everyone loves Halloween because of the candy, the costumes or the parties. I’m not saying these things aren’t fun but for me Halloween equals pumpkin seeds! I loooooove toasted pumpkin seeds. I could care less about carving a pumpkin, just give me those seeds! This is your standard seeds with salt recipe, which is my favorite, but you can season them however you like ; paprika, nutmeg, whatever your little heart desires.

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
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Carve out your pumpkin and remove all seeds. In a colander, rinse the seeds and remove all the pulp. Lay out the seeds and allow to dry, either for a few hours or overnight. This is where my patience is lost and I tend to just go ahead and make them. They are still tasty but it is best to let them dry 🙂 Spread out the seeds in a single layer on a cookie sheet. Toss with just a little bit of olive oil and as much salt as desired. Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown. Be sure to keep an eye on these, sometimes they take forever and sometimes they cook up quickly!