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Good morning! It’s a lovely Sunday morning here and I hope you’re doing well. We’ve got a batch of pancakes already going and I’m going to whip up some muffins in a few and a wonderful new pizza this afternoon. All of which I hope to share with you this week.

I just wanted to take a second to ask my wonderful readers to please vote for me at Circle of Moms Top 25 Foodie Moms. I was nominated late in the game, but I am definitely still in the running. I keep flirting with being in the Top 25. I know that with your help I can get in there! There is no registration or log in and you can vote daily by clicking the banner button at the top of my blog. Being a foodie and a mommy, this contest is truly important to me! Thanks for all of the support you have already given me!

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[Circle of Moms Top 25 Foodie Moms – 2012 – Vote for me!]

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