Anyone can make pretty little flowers to garnish your desserts. Whether you don’t want to get involved with piping frosting flowers or you want a different look, these gumdrop violets are easy and add a beautiful touch. You can also use the same blossom cutter to make pink phlox or yellow forsythia. I have had this little magazine page tucked into my recipe book for years and finally decided to have a go with it. I can’t believe I waited this long. I absolutely love the look and sometimes I just don’t feel like piping! An added plus is that guests, mostly little ones, loved sneaking a flower or two off of the cake!

Violet Gumdrop Flowers

  • Gumdrops
  • granulated sugar
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Flatten the gumdrop between your thumb and forefingers to 1/8″ thickness. Using the blossom cutter, cut the shape. Slightly flatten the cut gumdrop again and dredge in granulated sugar. Pinch the center of the cut gumdrop from behind, gently squeezing to form a bell-shaped blossom. Repeat until you have the number of blossoms you desire. Line the bottom of your cake with the violets and use mint leaves for garnish.

Source: Southern Living, April 2008